Friday, April 29, 2011

Project Rewind: The South Pole

This was one of the first pictures that left me speechless. When we started there were some that we figured we could get with ease due to the number of visitors, proximity, and availability (Like Disney). There were also some that we figured there would be no way. That didn't stop us.

The picture below was taken at the South Pole. We were able to get it to the South Pole station via the Antarctic Sun, the newspaper of the South Pole. Ironically enough, the Antarctic Sun is written in Denver Colorado.  After exchanging a few emails with the Sun we weren't sure whether it would happen.

And then one morning I opened up my email and was stunned. The pictures are from both the ceremonial South Pole and the magnetic South Pole, which is recalculated every year.

These are some of my favorite pictures because of the uniqueness.

Enjoy your weekend.
