Friday, February 18, 2011

Assisi Fortress

Welcome to another weekend!

It seems like this is the first weekend in a long time that Katie and I do not have any wedding planning to do, well appointments at least. We are still trying to figure out what we will do with ourselves, maybe a hike, go to a movie, or possible go on a date on Saturday night with a nice dinner. It will be weird without any plans.  Katie and I were talking and neither of us are quite sure the last time we didn't have anything planned was but we are really looking forward to it. Even better though is this weekend the weather is supposed to get into the 70's in Raleigh. Sounds like we need to take our dog Bella out for a very long walk.

Today's picture comes from Bob again on his European trip. This picture is of the Assisi Fortress in Italy. The first picture is of the fortress and the second picture is the view from the top. Yet another stunning picture with perfectly blue skies. it seems like every picture has the perfect sky.

Katie and I have always talked about traveling to Europe and if we do Italy will definitely be on the list.

Thanks for helping out Bob and enjoy your weekend everyone.
