Thursday, December 16, 2010

Seattle Space Needle

 While it may be cold here in North Carolina, it is another perfectly blue sky at Project Save The Date.

Today's picture comes from the good people at the Seattle Space Needle. They waited for a clear day (from what I hear it was the last clear day) to help us out and take a photo.

We have some good news to share. We have received a photo from South Africa! That means we have made it to ever continent. We still want more from Africa (Egypt maybe?) so let us know if you can help us out.

I am not sure how next week will work with the holiday. I already have a special one picked out for Christmas and New Years but I will be traveling and am not sure how much I will be able to post. Stay tuned.

Keep on spreading the project. Do you have any good ideas on how to get more visitors or spread the work of the Project to others or to the media? If so email That's all for today.

Kyle O.