People often ask what has surprised me the most about this Project. I have a simple answer, the kindness of strangers. The overwhelming majority of the pictures come from complete strangers. People whom neither Katie or I have ever met. They were either sent a card, one of our family or friends forwarded on to them, or they just happened to come across the blog.
Every day I get to see where people are viewing the blog from. Looking at last week we had viewers from France, Australia, Germany, Croatia, Japan, South Korea, Slovenia, Canada and Austria. I have seen roughly 30 countries view this blog. Seeing the blog spread puts a smile on my face. If there are any of you out there reading this, feel free to help out. We would love to have a picture from where you are.
Today's picture comes from a good friend who took this picture while traveling for work. It is a picture of the President of Honduras' House in Tegucigalpa.
As always, if you, or anyone you know lives somewhere interesting, or is traveling over the holiday, please let them know about the Project and see if they can help. Thanks for reading.
Kyle O.