Sunday, November 21, 2010

Goals of the Week

This week Project Save The Date has exploded. This is largely due to Reddit. Reddit has allowed us to reach out to individuals across the world with our Project. In the short time I have been on Reddit we have already received several pictures and many emails asking to help out.  We are excited to start posting these pictures soon. Here are the goals of the week.

1) Comments. Starting today readers will be allowed to post comments. I will see how they go and whether the reaction is positive. That will determine whether or not comments stay.

2) Map. Along with my brother in law Jonathan, I am working on putting a map on the blog with the locations of the Save The Date. Once it is up and running let me know how you like it.

3) Keep the Feedback Coming. Feedback helps the blog grow, so keep it coming. If you have any ideas on how to expand the Project, want to help, know someone who can, or just want to say hi email

Enjoy your week.

Kyle O.